Sunday 12 June 2016

Mid Season Reviews

At the beginning of the season we got all our riders to write down their aims for the year and what their strengths are but more importantly what they wanted to improve on. Reviewing the common improvements all riders wanted to achieve we have built these into our team ride outs and training sessions and have covered a variety of advanced skills, from sprint training to cornering to thru and off to echelon riding etc. we have also used locations like Harvey Hadden which is a great facility ahead of the Regional Youth Championships the club promoted to ensure our riders were confident at what this circuit could throw at them.
This focus and approach has seen riders who were convinced they couldn't sprint in January now win races in a group gallop, we have also seen riders very focussed on a goal and have achieved them already.
As we approach mid season it's time for a review as we can all become consumed by racing and just roll from one event to another without an eye on your goals which become lost in the melee of travel, race, rest, train. Look at what you set out to do if you have ticked some off the list then look to raise the bar a little higher, if you still have goals to achieve reassess how you can achieve them, have you spent enough time on the areas you wanted to improve are these still relevant or do you need to change them to reach that target. Make sure you also keep it relevant and fun, when it stops being fun take a break, a few of our riders have done this and come back stronger for it. Try something new our MTB skills session has been the most fun event we have done so far most of our riders are not mountain bikers but all came away with new skills they can use across their own disciplines.
Dare to dream big as the 'Boss' says you can achieve everything you want to and we are here as a team to support you all, here to more success for the rest of the season

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